Our Services

Everything we do is aimed at strengthening and healing your mind so you can overcome barriers and optimize your potential!


Sport Psychology & Performance Enhancement

As an athlete, facing physical obstacles is to be expected. Mental roadblocks, on the other hand, can feel more mysterious and even harder to overcome. In one-on-one sessions, we utilize sport psychology and performance enhancement techniques to help you get to the bottom of what's holding you back, address it appropriately, and ultimately perform with a mind as strong and resilient as your body.


Individual Therapy

Life can be difficult to navigate, and you are not the only one feeling like you could use some help. Individual therapy is what most people picture when they think of therapy: meeting one-on-one with a therapist. These individual sessions are confidential and can address concerns such as eating disorders, anxiety, self-confidence issues, perfectionism, and trauma. We offer a safe space to explore these concerns (and countless others) and create individualized care plans to support healing and personal growth.


Sport Psychiatry + Medication Management

Athletes are human beings first. This means their minds may require medication support to manage their mental health concerns. Our team offers specialized medication management by our highly-skilled and specialized sport psychiatrist.


Parent Coaching

Parenting athletes can be tough! It requires a thoughtful balance between being supportive and encouraging while also providing appropriate guidance and accountability. Not to mention, the flood of emotions that occurs as parents watch their athletes in action. It can be difficult to know how to handle a variety of situations or conversations. Parent coaching helps parents assess their own expectations, values and goals in order to create healthy alignment and connection with their athlete while also providing practical tools and strategies to effectively communicate and support their athletes in sport and life.


EMDR Services

Traumatic experiences live in our bodies, and when they have not been resolved, they have a limiting effect on every aspect of our lives. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a psychotherapy tool that utilizes bilateral stimulation to help individuals process and resolve traumatic experiences. We use EMDR, when needed, as part of our approach to overcoming the obstacles holding you back from success in life and/or sport.


Team Building

Team sports face unique demands that individual sports do not encounter. Team building takes the performance of sports teams to the next level. Working with a group as a whole allows us to build confidence among the team through cohesion and communication-oriented activities while enhancing mental strength through mental skill-building. 


Customized Team Workshops

Teams are unique, and you may have an issue you'd like to address that doesn't fit neatly in our Team-Building Workshops. That's why we offer a customizable option that allows for a one-off session or a series of conversations tailored to the performance or mental health needs of any team.


Community Workshops

It is easy to become focused on our individual well-being and overlook the importance of a strong community around us. We highly regard outreach and community involvement. To honor this value, we offer community workshops throughout the year. Topics include eating disorders, exercise, and body-image-related topics, as well as sport psychology and mental skills training. Please contact us to be notified of upcoming workshops.


Speaking Engagements

The core elements of therapy are fascinating and helpful to all, but not everyone considers its benefits. Kate Bennett, PsyD, is available to speak to your organization and offers interviews, training, presentations, and keynotes. Please contact us to book Dr. Bennett for an upcoming event. 



Student training is vital to the future of therapy, and the next generation of therapists are required to work under supervision. Supervision is available to master's, doctoral, and post-doctoral candidates on a case-by-case basis.


As an out-of-network provider, Athlete Insight partnered with Mentaya to help our clients save money on therapy. Use the Benefits Checker tool to see if you qualify for reimbursement for our services.