6 Week Meditation Training Program for Athletes

Take Your Mind to the Next Level
with our 6-Week Meditation Training Program

Ever wonder why athletes should meditate?

Or how to meditate “properly?”

Or perhaps you are one of those self-proclaimed “I tried and I can’t meditate” athletes?

Our fast-paced world has us guessing at the delicate balance between keeping up but, simultaneously, slowing down just enough to meditate. In fact, meditation exists under the illusion that if you are doing it “right,” your mind will be at complete peace, total stillness, and lead to profound clarity.

And, while each of these can be true, the reality is that athletes meditate but none of them do it perfectly. Honestly, there is no perfect way to meditate. And, rarely in our fast-paced society, do athletes achieve total stillness for the duration of their meditation practice. It is the intention behind your practice that will lead to the positive benefits associated with a regular meditation practice.

The Meditation Training for Athletes Program Includes:

  • Basic meditation techniques (breath awareness, body scan)

  • Affirmations practice

  • Visualization for goal setting & positive change

  • Fundamentals of mindfulness

  • Integration of moving meditation

  • Sound therapy for relaxation

This program takes the guess work out of “how to meditate.”

Athletes will leave the program feeling empowered with their understanding of how to meditate in addition to having created their own unique meditation practice for themself guided by feedback from our meditation expert, Kelsey Motley.

Weekly sessions include guided meditation during the class in addition to take-home resources and homework to ensure that each athlete is progressing towards developing their own regular meditation practice.

Group and Individualized Meditation Training

  • Group Meditation Training Program

    Who: Open to all athletes 16 years old and older (Have a younger athlete - see the individualized training option)

    When: Saturdays at 8-9:30am

    Dates: February 10 - March 16 (Six consecutive Saturdays)

    Where: Virtually through Jane App

    Cost: $40 per group session (Limit: 8 athletes per group)

    Want to Learn More? Schedule a discovery call with Kelsey Motley.

  • Individualized Meditation Training Program

    Who: Open to all athletes 10 years old and older

    When: Individualized to fit your schedule

    Dates: Six consecutive weeks - All six sessions will be booked when you sign up

    Length: 55 minutes per session

    Where: Virtually through Jane App

    Cost: $140 per individual session

    Want to Learn More? Schedule a discovery call with Kelsey Motley.

  • Meditation Training for Teams

    Interested in Meditation Training for your entire team? Contact Athlete Insight today to discuss setting up our six-week training program for your team.

You may benefit from meditation training if you:


Struggle with confidence

Feel anxious, stressed, or worried

Spend a lot of time thinking (or worrying) about upcoming training and/or competitions

Feel like you are not able to showcase your potential

Have difficulty maintaining focus

Struggle to let go of past errors

Work hard in training but consistently underperform in competition

Benefits of Meditation


Reduces stress & anxiety

Improves sleep & recovery

Supports confidence & resilience

Improves emotional regulation

Positively impacts focus

Improves psychological pain tolerance

Neutralizes fear

Optimizes performance


Book directly through our online booking site or schedule a discovery call with Kelsey to learn more.